
"Why cant you love me more?"

"Why cant you love me more?"

地點: K.L. Bintang Pavilion, Starbucks

時間: After Gym

人物: Joey Gary

"Why cant you love me more?" Joey 生气的問

"I am sorry!" Gary 深感抱歉低頭的说

"I don't need your apology, Just tell me why can't you love me more?" Joey 對 Gary 的回答更加生气, 聲音引起坐在附近的人注意

Gary 頭垂得更低, 再说: I'm really sorry."

"I don't want to hear that anymore!" Joey 怒吼的说.

Gary 默然不語 頭垂得很低 似乎要碰到桌子了

"Say something would you? Why aren't you speaking?" Joey 歇斯底裡的問 雙手緊緊握着

Gary 一聲不響 Joey 再也忍不往了

"啪" 的一聲 往Gary 的臉恨恨打了一巴.

Joey 的動作和聲音引起更多人的注意与惊訝的眼光

"You filthy piece of shit!" Joey 咬牙切齒的说

Joey 用力的把椅子往后一推 拎起自己的gym bag抽身就走 頭也不回

Gary 默不作聲 頭依然垂得很低很低.......

几分鐘過后 Gary 把頭慢慢抬起 五個手指的紅印還留在他黑黝的臉上

他深深地呼吸 如釋重負似的...........

9 条评论:

-KeO- 说...

i think most of us had asked this question b4, i hate this question!

AngeLovEvil 说...


Keiron Low 说...

who is joey and gary? both guys? or 1 guy 1 girl? keke..... XD

tagnan 说...

keo: ya.. i think alot of ppl asking this question b4, did anyone ask you as well?

angelovevil: 謝謝你的喜歡..... ;)

editor: keiron: gary is a guy joey can be a guy or girl haha....

匿名 说...

i never ask this question before. And i would not ask this question too. hmmm..... perhaps would change another way like "Can i do anything to make u love me more?", haha... isn't it better?

匿名 说...

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Chris 说...

哦? 倾唔掂数仲喐手打人添??

殷缘 说...

我反而比较喜欢最后一句:“他深深地呼吸 如釋重負似的”


tagnan 说...

殷缘 哈哈 故事的精髓就是最后的一句